Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunwise Fridge and Food

Last week, Derek took the kitchen chore to a new level, reorganizing our entire spice collection.  Inspired, he challenged us all to use a spice we had never used before in our cooknights throughout the week.  Facing kitchen chore this week, I puzzled over what new challenge I would offer.  Use the new immersion blender?  Perhaps the dutch oven?  Points for presentation?  Then the thorough fridge clean gave me the answer:
The condiments!  So I present this week's challenge:
Use an item on the fridge door.  You have two options to meet the challenge:
(a) Use an item you have never used before.
(b) Use up an item entirely.
The fridge is now much cleaner, just in time for Andy returning from a shopping trip by bicycle trailer!  Estimated trailer weight in excess of 100 lbs -- yes Derek, you built that one well! 

Thursday, February 25, 2010

SCHA Board Retreat!

Feb 19th. Friday night. Through dense fog and rain, a group of SCHA'ers piled into a Max's Honda to head east into the mountains. Destination: South Lake Tahoe, where community director Max has a small wood cabin where we will hold the board retreat! On the agenda -- revising the organization's bylaws, planning outreach events, games of Settlers of Catan and Mafia! and of course, much fun in the snow! Miraculously we had just the right number of skis and boots to head cross country:

Needless to say, much fun was had by all.

More photos!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Chicken Tractor!

The Sunwise chicken tractor in action taking down weeds and bugs before the start of summer planting.  Derek made sure to test it out before the chicken!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Work Day

Saturday brings the Feburary  work day to Sunwise.  Starting with a brilliant breakfast Frittatas (vegan and with Sunwise eggs), the rainy day brought weed wacking, shed clean up, assembling alumni lists, etc.  Tomato soup crowns off a yummy lunch, and the rain picks up again. Good thing we got the gutters cleaned last work day! 

Friday, February 5, 2010

Game Nights!

J Streeters hosted a game night on Thursday!   Sunwisers went for another epic of Seafaring in Settlers of Catan Friday night.  Caught in the action: a bold move into the deep reveals -- more empty ocean!  At Sunwise, Settlers remains a popular game, though new games such as Bonanza, and Tigris and Euphrates have made recent appearances. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

SCHA Potlucks

This past December, SCHA started monthly potlucks.  Potlucks alternate between Sunwise and J-St on the first week of the month, and alternate between the day of the week (Mon-Thurs).  Last night was the Feburary potluck at J-St, and food and friendship were abundant as 16 of us tried to squeeze around the J-st dining table.  Didn't have a camera handy, so here's a photo from our inagural potluck in December at Sunwise!